职 称:长聘教轨副教授,课题组长,博士生导师
所属学科: 植物学(植物病理学)
1. 克隆了水稻中一个SD-1类型的受体激酶SDS2,解析了SDS2的信号转导途径,证明了该受体激酶代表了单子叶植物中一个保守的病原相关分子模式识别受体PRR(见Cell Host & Microbe文章)。
2. 开发了一种快速简便进行SNP和单碱基indel基因分型的方法(iHDA),该方法基于分子杂交(和合成的探针),仅通过简单的PCR扩增和凝胶电泳就可以快速可靠的进行SNP和单碱基indel的基因分型,大大简化和加速SNP和单碱基indel的基因分型。iHDA的开发丰富了分子生物学的工具盒(见BioTechniques文章)。
3. 确定了核酸酶类型自交不亲和性之亲和反应的分子机理,发现S-核酸酶在花粉管细胞质中由SCFSLF复合体(E3)介导的特异性降解(泛素-26S蛋白酶体途径)是异交花粉亲和授粉的的根本原因,是异交花粉解除S-核酸酶毒性的根本机制。该工作排除了先前的关于S-核酸酶毒性限制理论-S-核酸酶的区室化模型(S-RNase compartmentalization model)(见Frontiers in Genetics文章) 。
- Fan J, Xia Y and Wang GL. (2019) An improved heteroduplex analysis for rapid genotyping of SNPs and single base pair indels. BioTechniques, 67:6-10.(IF=2.098)
- Fan J, Bai P, Ning Y, Wang J, Shi X, Xiong Y, Zhang K, He F, Zhang C, Wang R, Meng X, Zhou J, Wang M, Shirsekar G, Park CH, Bellizzi M, Liu W, Jeon JS, Xia Y, Shan L, Wang GL. (2018) The Monocot-Specific Receptor-like Kinase SDS2 Controls Cell Death and Immunity in Rice. Cell Host & Microbe. 23:498-510. (IF=17.87)
- Liu W*, Fan J*, Li J, Song Y, Li Q, Zhang Y and Xue Y. (2014) SCFSLF-mediated cytosolic degradation of S-RNase is required for cross-pollen compatibility in S-RNase- based self-incompatibility in Petunia hybrida. Frontiers in Genetics. 5:228. (*Co-first author) (IF=4.15)
- Wang J, Wang S, Hu K, Yang J, Xin X, Zhou W, Fan J, Cui F, Mou B, Zhang S, Wang G, Sun W. (2018) The Kinase OsCPK4 Regulates a Buffering Mechanism That Fine-Tunes Innate Immunity. Plant Physiol, 176(2):1835-1849. (IF=5.95)
- Zhao H, Wang X, Jia Y, Minkenberg B, Wheatley M, Fan J, Jia M, Famoso A, Edwards J, Wamishe Y, Valent B, Wang GL, Yang Y. (2018) The Rice Blast Resistance Gene Ptr Encodes an Atypcial Protein and Required for Broad-Spectrum Disease Resistance. Nature Communications, 9: 2039. (IF=12.4)
- Wang R, Ning Y, Shi X, He F, Zhang C, Fan J, Jiang N, Zhang Y, Zhang T, Hu Y, Bellizzi M, and Wang GL. (2016) Immunity to Rice Blast Disease by Suppression of Effector-Triggered Necrosis. Current Biology. 26(18):2399-2411. (IF=9.25)
- Li J, Zhang Y, Song Y, Zhang H, Fan J, Li Q, Zhang D, Xue Y. (2016) Electrostatic potentials of the S-locus F-box proteins contribute to the pollen S specificity in self-incompatibility in Petunia hybrida. Plant J. 89(1):45-57. (IF=5.78)
- Ning Y, Shi X, Wang R, Fan J, Park CH, Zhang C, Zhang T, Ouyang X, Li S, Wang GL. (2015) OsELF3-2, an Ortholog of Arabidopsis ELF3, Interacts with the E3 Ligase APIP6 and Negatively Regulates Immunity against Magnaporthe oryzae in Rice. Molecular Plant. 8(11):1679-82. (IF=9.32)
- Shirsekar GS, Vega-Sanchez ME, Bordeos A, Baraoidan M, Swisshelm A, Fan J, Park CH, Leung H, Wang GL. (2014) Identification and characterization of suppressor mutants of spl11- mediated cell death in rice. Mol Plant Microbe Interact. 27(6):528-36. (IF=3.59)